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The Ya-Hoo! Guarantee
We gladly promise that when you choose our products for yourself or your friends, they will arrive with the same fresh-baked taste we put into them as the day they're packed. We personally guarantee you will be completely satisfied in every way, or your money will be graciously returned.
Business Hours
January - November
Mon- Fri.
Office Hours: 9AM - 5PM (CST)
Mon - Fri
Office Hours: 9AM - 6PM (CST)
Saturday: 9AM - 3PM
Visit our Store
Visiting or live near the D/FW area?
Pop on over, we'd love to see you.
It's just north of I-75 and Hwy. 82, about
60 miles north of Dallas. Our Out-Post
Store hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm.
Fall Holiday Hours 12/01-12/31: M-F
8am-6pm & Sat. 9am-3pm